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Baby, don't say goodbye.

about me.






disco time .

heart and soul .

twoZEROthree | Fifi | Husna| Sazliyana| Nigel | Grace|

February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009

{ Friday, September 11, 2009 }

; call us, helplines urge troubled teens

1a} list two reason why teens are reluctant to call helplines despite the promise of anonymity and professional help.

they felt weird to talk over with someone whom they have not met before in their entire life. they also find it easier to communicate to their close friends which they gain hundred percent trust in them.

1b} according to Ms Lily Chu, how does Touch Leadership and Mentoring prefer to help troubled teens?

Touch Leadership and Mentoring prefer to help those youths through more direct, effective mean, such as educational workshops in schools, face-to-face counseling and home visit.

2} have you confided in your friends or family problems you face in school life? why or why not? have you been betrayed by your friends before? if yes how?

yes i have confide my problems i face in school life. with this, at least i could less stress myself and seek for some advise on what i should do. i will feel very less relieves whenever i had let it out to someone. we students should learn how to let out our feelings as so our problems would not disturb our school lessons and we can concentrate on our studies. its a lie if i say ive not been betrayed by my friends. yes, ive encountered those problems. friends have been nice to me but when days goes on they betrayed me. they accuse me behind my back without any proves. talking about my bads and spreading it out that would for sure ashamed me when people approach me asking its true or fake.

{ Friday, September 11, 2009 }

PM's 4 basic rules for religious harmony

1a} what are the 4 rules for religious harmony?

firstly, all group have to exercise tolerance and restraint. secondly, keep religion separate from politics. thirdly, government must remain secular. lastly, maintain the common space that all Singaporean share.

1b} in your opinion, how can we maintain a common space in school?

we can maintain a common space in school by sharing seats in same table eventhough we come from different race during recess time in order to interact with others while enjoying our food.

2} do you respect other religions? why and why not?

what do you think of children who stay away from their parents funeral because they believe the traditional rights are against their new religion?

obviously, every each of us must start and practice good habits by respecting each other despite different races or religion. with this, it will for sure keep our country harmony. if we did not respect each other religion, fights will begins and our country will no longer have peace and harmony. im sure that those children will sure felt sad to be far away from their parents and their funerals. to me, at least we could be near with our parents funerals despite of being far with them. thats the only way to let go our misses to them. but if it is their traditional right, they have no choice. i felt sad for them but as i said, they got no choice but to respect their traditional rights as they are not allow to.

{ Sunday, August 16, 2009 }

Elderly Falling Prey to 'Volunteer' Ruse (trick)

What is the modest operandi (method of operating) of the con artists?

The modus operandi of the con artist was to pose, in most instaces, as volunteers from welfare organisation on a project to spruce up the house of thewe senior citizens.

what are the Lion Befrienders planning to do to ensure the old folks do not get conned again?

the lion befrinders has alerted those under its charge about this scamsters.

Do you like social work? why or why not?

if i were given a chance to work or if i had the chance to work, i would volunteer myself to do the social work. firstly, it wont kill my precious time by doing those social work. than doing stuffs that will totally waste my time, i would rather volunteer myself doing the social work. to me doing social work would at least gain reward from the above and doing such work would smooth those elderly heart. volunteering with sincerity will make me feel proud of myself. seeing them happy would obviously makes me happy too for them. and to me, during their elderly age, they deserve to spent their time smilling all the way.

{ Thursday, July 30, 2009 }

; A Deadly Business

1a) What are the 2 worrying trends about drug trafficking mentioned in the article?

firstly they are worrying about was that teenagers are the one who sold it not even adults or men anymore. secondly, is that more Singaporeans are being arrested for drug crimes overseas.

b) Why are Singaporeans increasingly being used as "drug mules"?

Singaporeans increasingly being used as "drug mules" due to the Singaporeans that do not need a visa for many places, and they are also less likely to be checked because of Singapore's reputation for being tough on drugs.

2) What will you do if you find out that one of your friends is selling drugs? How will you react if someone tries to sell you drugs?

i admit that teenagers nowadays are stubborn to be advise and if my friends is one of them who sells drugs, i would definately make their schedule tight like conquering their precious time with something useful like study, bring them to the library or even spent time with them like windows shopping, walk and take some fresh air. i would even ask my friend to sit one place with me and have some talks. i would ask them why they need money for and if they really need those money to buy something expensive that beyond their expectation, i would lend him money or something and advise them about the consequences if they happen to get caught. i rather spent my money helping them than seeing them had a failure in studies and being expelled from school. i would say that im rushing to go somewhere or meeting someone if someone tries to sell me drug.

{ Thursday, July 30, 2009 }

; Hawkers fall prey to brazen break-ins.

1a) Why is it easy for burglers to break into stalls at the two markets in the Kallang area?

it is so obvious that all the stalls are open at the top which makes it easy for thieves to get in by the open ceilings.

b) What is the Geylang East Central Merchants' Association going to do about the break-ins?

The Geylang East Central Merchants' Association will be in touch with the relevant authorities, such as the NEA and the town councils, to look into improving security, possibly by modifying stall layout and design. modify and try to set up anything that could actually sense of security to alert if these things happens again.

2. What do you think should be done to tighten the security of the markets? What do you think of the burglars who brazenly break into the stalls?

i think that they should react fast by modifying the stall layout and design with a more safety precautions. they should also place a camera in each and every stalls to make it even easier for them to track those thieves. my opinion about the burglars who brazenly break into the stalls seems to be so desperate for money at that point of time. they were the stupidest burglar who left their handprints and make it easy for those police to track them.

{ Thursday, July 16, 2009 }

; 3 cheers for the team

(a) Why is cheerleading an expensive sport?

cheerleading is an expensive sport due to their costumes. a good material for a costume will for sure give them a good look to attract the audience. it goes the same to their shoes. cheerleading is an hyper sport and the shoes is important or them because comfort come first. they wont be able to put a great performance if they felt uncomfartable. their hair should look good too like i said, they need to look as good as they can to attract audience or judges and with this, the girls might need several accessories, hair spray and so on and for the guys, they need hair gel. due to the hyperness, they need vitamins which actually cost $50 to $130 per bottle. and with that hyperness, they might trip and schools and organisation needs to pay an amount of money.

(b) What makes cheerleading such a tough sport?

Firstly, it is not easy to set up the steps and it really take weeks and patience. cheer leaders need to use a lot of energy in order to do their best. It requires teamwork to get stunts done. it is not that tough as when we were doing the steps, all we need to think is just have fun but even though it aint tough, its quite a tiring as it requires a lot of training.

What is your opinion of cheerleaders? If given a chance, would you join cheerleading? Why/ why not?

To me, they are energetic people with a strong will and spirits. they will never failed to put a smile during a performance. if i were to be given a chance to join cheerleading, i would reject it. firstly their costumes are too open and by right, it is wrong for Muslims people to where those kind of clothes. yes i admit that cheerleading is an interesting sports but it uses alot of energy besides that, i am concern about my studies as cheerleading needs alot of training. they even being train five times a week, and it sounds really tiring to me.

{ Friday, April 24, 2009 }

; Minister questions plans to separate conjoined twins

What are some of the problems involved in separating a conjoined twin?

The problems involved in separating a conjoined twins may lead to death , may not have a good shape or even would likely end up harming the patients and the parents must have to pick one twin to die to save the other and that is not possible because that is the hard thing to do .

If you were a part of a conjoined twin, would you rather stay together with your twin for the rest of your life or would you risk both your lives to go for an operation? Why?

i would rather risk both our lives to go for an operation . we may be small like both Vani and Veena to handle those operation but i rather go to heaven . if i stay with my twins for the rest of my life , it would trouble a lot of people . it was not that easy to do things if we were conjoined twin . it really troubles people around and especially our parents . they need to earn a living to support and take care of us which would be rather tiring for them . if we go to heaven , we will both be together forever and i believe that life after death at tender age would lead us to heaven .