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Baby, don't say goodbye.

about me.






disco time .

heart and soul .

twoZEROthree | Fifi | Husna| Sazliyana| Nigel | Grace|

February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009

{ Friday, February 20, 2009 }

; no loitering after school

Why Coral Secondary School forbids students to idle around near their school in their school uniform?

Coral Secondary School has forbid their students to idle around near their school uniform to prevent any of their student from fighting and loitering around . firstly , they want to uphold their school prestigious name . If any of the students were caught by any of the teachers that petrol , its was their luck but if they were caught by outsiders , it would embarrassed the school Principal and teacher and spoilt the school reputation . By forbidding them , it would stop them by loitering because if they loiter most of the time , they might be tired when they went home and with this , they have no time to do self-studies nor their homeworks given .

Do you agree with this rule? Explain your answer.

I don't really agree to this rules because not every students have the same mindset . yes , most of them have the thought to loiter or hangging out but theres still some others student who want to had their lunch or need to buy anything before they could actually go home . it is troublesome for them to go home and change and go back to buy food and go home back . this also would waste their ez-link card money of going home and back to the shopping mall . Coral Secondary school is not that far to the White Sands Shopping Centre so in my opinion , this rules should not be implemented as they should continue requesting for teachers to petrol and caught the students who loitering around and not the students with a good intention of going to the shopping mall .

{ Friday, February 13, 2009 }

; master of one

What was Jack Neo’s vocation when he was serving the nation?

Jack Neo was posted to the Singapore Armed Forces Music and Drama Company .
He had contributed cartoon to Pioneer magazine , published by the Minister of Defence for its troops .

“Hard work leads to success.” To what extend do you agree with this statement?

i strongly agree to the phrase because without the hard work , we wont be able to succeed in life . although in life , sometimes we do work hard but still failed , it does not mean that we have to give up or we don't work hard . Its just that we have to work more harder to success . there will always be a failure in every each of us . there is no one on the earth who is perfect . but failure will ended up with a sucess if we apply the hard work in our life because when we failed to do something , we surely curious bout what has gone wrong so with this , we keep on looking for the mistakes and even learn from the mistakes . after learning we usually wont do the same thing and will succeed in life . but the most importantly is that we should not give up .

{ Tuesday, February 03, 2009 }

| Golfers, youths in brawl on green |

How did the teenagers trespass into Singapore Island Country Club?

those teenagers were trying to find their way out
after a night drinking at
VivoCity and happen to
wandered onto the golf course which have no signs
saying that they could not be there . i think it was
an accidentally that when the teenagers happen to
walk past , the golfer happen to hit the golf ball
and hit one of the teenage face .

Is underage drinking correct? Explain your answer.

drinking alcohol is prohibited in law and definitely
i would say that it is incorrect . when we drink
alcohol at the age that is under 18 , it is considered
an underage drinking . alcohol will usually make
us drunk and when any of the underage drink ,
they will get drunk and will not
conscious of what
they are doing . they might be making a crime or
any harm to others that is innocent . besides that ,
as said earlier ,
underaged drinking is prohibited
in law and whoever was caught will be imposed
heavy penalty .